BurraRFSThe Burra Brigade of the Rural Fire Service (RFS) is made up from volunteers from the community.  The Captain of the Brigade is Fiona Matthews, the President is Greg Hedger and the Secretary is Dave Bromhead.  Training sessions are held on a Saturday morning and a high standard of readiness is expected from members who, if on duty, can be called out at a moments notice.  The Brigade has participated in fire-fighting throughout NSW and has benefited from reciprocal arrangements with other brigades.

The Fire Shed is located quite close to the Burra Hall and the Brigade holds a regular "Hot Spots Café" on the last Sunday of each month (except December).  Anyone in the Burra community is very welcome to attend and to bring excess produce for sale or swap.  The Burra Quilters regularly attend and have some excellent goods for sale.

The Burra Brigade, besides being on standby for fire fighting, is very active in fire prevention and community awareness of the danger of fires in the Burra/Urila areas.  If you are a landholder in the region, you can request an assessment of your property for fire safety and a demonstration of fire-fighting equipment and techniques.  If you are planning a hazard reduction burn, or a pile burn, the Brigade can provide valuable advice to prevent things getting out of hand.  During the fire season, it is required that you obtain a permit from the Brigade for any burn and you must notify them (and the Queanbeyan Fire Control Officer on 6128 0600) if you plan a burn outside the fire season.  Notification of a pile burn outside the fire season is best done by using the RFS website.

You can learn more about the Burra RFS brigade from their Facebook Page